Well, here it goes...

Well, here it goes....

I've created a blog, as promised!! I've taken a job in North Dakota with Baker Hughes Inteq. I'm working on the oil rigs as an MWD Field Spec II. I know a lot of you think I have lost my mind...and............I may have...

I started my journey on Dec. 23rd, 2010. My first day working on the rigs was Christmas Eve. My next day off?........ March 18, 2011.

Yeah, I own a copy of Snooki’s book (No Homo)

This is long overdue, but I would like to thank NFM (National Fuel Marketing) for the care package!  This CRACKED ME UP!  I'm still laughing about it now.  Take a look at the picture below.

Whoever thought to put Snooki's book in there, I owe you a beer/fist pump.  I just about died laughing.  Not gonna lie, I immediately hid this fearing I'd get my ass kicked out here.  Also, Christine, I want you to know I ate my fair share of cookies, but to no surprise when I got back home, guess who snagged the rest of the bag off the counter??  Yup.  Big Baby Champ is also a big fan of your chocolate chip cookies.  And...random thought, but you guys know me so this won't be a shocker...follow me here....Champ sleeps an inordinate amount and I always kinda wonder what's going through his head.  This solved it for me.  Now, whenever I'm home and he's sleeping, I like to look over at my roommate (Rodine) occasionally with a dumb face and narrate Champ's dream in a deep, oaf like voice, "COOOOOOKIES".....Then, I get the, "you're a ratard" (yeah, with 2 a's) look from him and that pretty much makes my day.....You're welcome for that little story and no, you can't get the past 30 seconds of your life back....

Anyways, thanks again!  You guys know me all too well.  Gatorade's, double shots and oatmeal can pretty much get me through any day.  I also appreciated all the books; The Shack, When The Wind Blows, etc.  Quality literature.  Kind of reminded me of The Shining....thanks.  Hope you guys are doing well and I wish NFM the best.  Also, heads up, there are bagels in the breakroom every Friday...

Coming in HOT ----> more posts.....getting this thing all caught up.....until then, Marinate on this....