Well, here it goes...

Well, here it goes....

I've created a blog, as promised!! I've taken a job in North Dakota with Baker Hughes Inteq. I'm working on the oil rigs as an MWD Field Spec II. I know a lot of you think I have lost my mind...and............I may have...

I started my journey on Dec. 23rd, 2010. My first day working on the rigs was Christmas Eve. My next day off?........ March 18, 2011.

86 Days.....

That's right....

I started my journey on Dec 23, 2010. 

My first day was Christmas Eve. 

My next day off is March 18, 2011.....  

I have a buddy who's already doing this (Shout out to Justin Foster!) and he worked 85 days in a row when he started.   I'm young, stubborn, money hungry, and out to prove myself so I'm going for 86 days in a row.  Yup, I'm one uppin' you Justin!  Time to kick my debt in the face!!

I've purposely told everyone I'm doing 86 days in a row solely because I'm not even sure I can do it.  Now...I have to.

So... I'm starting my career on the rigs in the 7 OH UNO, where no one listens to rap music so I can officially say it's about to get waaay more gangster.  Just when no one thought North Dakota could get much cooler....(yeah, that JUST happened).....

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