Well, here it goes...

Well, here it goes....

I've created a blog, as promised!! I've taken a job in North Dakota with Baker Hughes Inteq. I'm working on the oil rigs as an MWD Field Spec II. I know a lot of you think I have lost my mind...and............I may have...

I started my journey on Dec. 23rd, 2010. My first day working on the rigs was Christmas Eve. My next day off?........ March 18, 2011.

What in the hell is an MWD?.....

Exactly!?  If you figure it out, let me know......Just kidding....but, be prepared to be bored during this post.  MWD stands for Measurements While Drilling.  Feel free to wiki it...I stay on oil rigs in North Dakota while we drill horizontal wells approximately 20,000 ft deep (10,000 straight down, 1,000 curve, 9,000 lateral hole).  During this process I relay measurements to the direction driller to make sure he knows how to guide our tools (bit, motor, MWD (the reason I'm employed), pipe, etc.) in the right direction.  Obviously, I've kept this pretty concise, but feel free to hit me up if you ever want to learn more.  So far I've actually found it to be very intriguing....Lame, I know....

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